Capricorn 1-2 Three Stained-Glass Windows, One Damaged By Bombardment

<tt>St George's church - stained glass window - - 846807 by Evelyn Simak via Wikimedia Commons<tt>

St George's church - stained glass window - - 846807 by Evelyn Simak via Wikimedia Commons

I have a friend who has this as her North node. She comes from a very judgemental small town and particularly has issues with her critical, prim and proper grandmother. I see a pattern for her with other older women that enforce "rules" however gently - my friend absolutely hates hypocrites and the demon fires up inside her whenever she sees her grandmother in other people. My friend caused a stir at the local writers group (full of much older gents and ladies) with her writing about whether sex and kinky-strangulation should be something one may do an a first date. For my friend, I feel this symbol is about committing sacrilege. Clearly my friend is out to expose hypocrites, and a few sacred cows are going to get sacrificed.

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

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Feb 12, 2018
by: Sonia

Talvez uma das minhas maiores dificuldades seja com a crítica.

[Perhaps one of my greatest difficulties is with criticism.]

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