Gemini 8-9 A Quiver Filled With Arrows

<tt>Gavin Spencer</tt>

Gavin Spencer

I once clicked on an oracle while thinking about a difficult family member. This person is a lawyer and I feel this symbol fitted him perfectly, having ready access to "barbs" that wound people.

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Share your experiences of this Gemini karma!

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

Many thanks!

Comments for Gemini 8-9 A Quiver Filled With Arrows

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Apr 26, 2020
Gemini 8-9
by: Sherry

This is the degree of my progressed Ascendant.
I feel it shows me as someone skillful and prepared to shoot arrows whether for the fun of marksmanship or to defend myself and whoever is with me.

Jun 30, 2021
Sun 8degrees Gemini
by: meow

A quiver filled with arrows may indicate a readiness to shoot, not that shooting would necessarily occur. I have my sun in Gemini in this degree in the 9th house. It could mean that I’m well read, experienced, educated and prepared to engage (with charm and rhetoric, because Gemini) if provoked. With Gemini it might be more of a playful exchange — at least from a cat’s perspective.

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