The theme of the cross is the progression of detachment.
Taurus’ woman holds (physically attached) a bag out of a window for any reasons such as conspicuous possession, signalling, or threatening release; all implying an audience. Bags represent responsibility (
Leo’s 'objective' (detached in perspective) observer-demonstrator science teacher shows the student audience that chemical reactions
a) can be boiled down to mathematical formulae
b) involve bonds between elements and breaking them
c) have an explanation behind the magic
d) can be replicated continuously and have the same true result.
Scorpio’s richly colored leaves die and fall (also chemistry at work, with a beautiful effect) in physical detachment. Aquarius’ face, unmasked, reveals truth.
A sense of display in all symbols adds another facet to the cross.
My personal experience of this cross is as follows: while studying Touch for Health (mini-kinesiology), I asked to practice on a friend's ex-husband, who was sociopathic and anti-New Age. He respected me because I was a scientist, hence allowed me to try something a little ‘woo-woo’ on him. When I described some negative beliefs that his muscles were ‘telling’ me, he was dismissive, but when I described the negative beliefs that were coming from his children's muscles (Scorpio), his mask dropped just for a minute (Aquarius), becoming attentive and vulnerable in his open caring about his children. I had never seen that side of him before.
I wanted recognition for my display (Taurus, Leo) of ‘magic’ (Leo). I instead learned the attachment (Taurus) to external validation from showing off skills (Leo) couldn't fulfill me like witnessing a beautiful change (Scorpio, Aquarius). My own process of detachment from external validation began from that moment.
As Scorpio’s seasonal woods indicate, the process of detachment is continuous as we go deeper and find more within us that need to be released (Aquarius to Taurus).
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