28-29 Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn cross

  • Aries: A Celestial Choir Singing.
  • Cancer: A Muse Weighing Twins.
  • Libra: Humanity Seeking To Bridge The Span Of Knowledge.

  • Capricorn: A Woman Reading Tea Leaves.

Aries’ symbol contrasts with Capricorn 19-20 A Hidden Choir Singing.  What does Aries' irrepressible choir sing about?  The glory of God.
Cancer’s Muse blesses any one of us with the gift of artistic genius. How does the Muse decide who to bestow creative talent upon? Which twin is worthier?  This symbol recalls the goddess Maat, the personification of truth and justice, who weighs each soul (called the weighing of the heart) against a feather to see who is worthy of entry to paradise. The twins in this case would refer to the fact that the Egyptian Creator ‘made every man like his fellow’. But Maat is not in this symbol.  What are the Muse's criteria? Does she judge based on the joy for art in the twins' hearts, for they have no external difference?  The decision could be pure luck.  The word genius comes from ‘genie’ a visiting entity to help you, a mere mortal, transcend creatively and contact the divine in expressing art.

Libra’s symbol is the effort to cross from ignorance to enlightenment.  It could mean a short-cut, or even refining knowledge, and implies that once we reach the ‘other side’ of the span, all knowledge is available to us.

Capricorn’s tea-leaf reader practices divinatory arts, trying to read messages from the universe via the earthy language of tea-leaves. Compared to Aries’ choir of angels belting out guidance or expressing glory, we physical folk fiddle with cups and leaves (Capricorn) on our side to understand what angels are trying to say! The dynamic between Cancer’s Muse and Capricorn’s tea-leaf reader shows that even if you possess a particular genius, you still have to show up for work and go through the motions, making an effort to translate that genius for other people.

In each part of the cross, it seems there is a divine entity: some of us are born with a divine grace expressed (Aries), some achieve divine grace (Libra), some interpret divine grace for their own concerns (Capricorn) and others have divine grace chosen for them (Cancer)!

Moving around the symbols: the Muse grants genius to any one of us (Cancer) born to express the divine (Aries) and we still must work at contacting that genius (Capricorn) by finding a process (e.g. meditation, tai-chi? tea leaves?) that allows us access to the genius (Libra).  Then we can influence the odds of receiving creative genius (Cancer) again.

Moving in the other direction: divine expression (Aries) uses a midwife Muse to transfer into a human (Cancer) who uses their talent to progress humanity (Libra), ever mindful that this talent is a separate entity and therefore this relationship requires continued cultivation, consultation and maintenance (Capricorn) to strengthen communication with the divine (Aries).

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