William Heath via Wikimedia Commons
The interpreted keyword for this degree was...Delight! How nice!
I have Vertex on this degree, which apparently means the shift or the energy to be cultivated. I found Vertex by going to Astrodienst online and doing a free horoscope. I actually do find this meaning and symbol to resonate with me. I have often felt that I have had to referee and manage children rather than relaxing and allowing myself to learn the joy of life and the wonderful discovery that fresh eyes and experiences bring. I had been a professional and scientist for a long time and often repressed, sometimes unsuccessfully, the childish part of me, which when it did come out, would also leave me feeling judged and vulnerable, which drove it further down. I needed an opportunity to develop this side further, and since doing this website I am aware of how much I need to Allow my children, rather than repress them as a form of repressing myself.
I have also been learning about Esther Hicks and Abraham and what they have to say about attraction and vibration and putting yourself into the Vortex of joy to attract more of what you want. So I am learning to cultivate that joy that feels safe, which this symbol represents to me, in order to attract more of what feels good to me.
Recently I took the kids to the park and both were on the swings, literally laughing with delight at the different ways of swinging - my 3 year old was learning that leaning all the way back and putting her head back was very thrilling, which was infectious and both my kids were acting like gigglepots. I think that finding delight in the simple, safe and creative ways of playing are the essence of this degree for me.
Share your experiences of this Leo karma!
Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?
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