Leo 24-25 A Large Camel Crossing The Desert

<tt>Pramod K Mahanand @ freeimages.com</tt>

Pramod K Mahanand @ freeimages.com

My daughter has Vesta on this degree, and while it is too early to see the patterns in her life (she is only 5) I believe it means that her purest potential and perfect essence is that she has endurance for travelling in life through any daunting experience.

The original symbol was "A Large Camel Crossing The Desert" and the keyword was Adequacy, however camels to me symbolise endurance, and in my family tree we have a long multigenerational history of migration and settlement. My ancestry has a history of tragedy and sadness too, resulting in gifts of strength and endurance so my daughter is born into the "right" family for that degree.

A friend of mine channeled my daughter's past life and told me that she had been a Viking getting away from an abusive mother (in my ancestry an abusive grandmother is the root of many of the problems my own mother and her siblings face today). So the lessons and gifts my daughter learned in that life is what she brings to this life for whatever work she needs to do.
While I may feel sad about the difficulties and tragedies in my family, I can only feel grateful that they are part of why my daughter chose to be born to us, and so they are beautiful too.

Now it's your turn, share your experiences of this Leo karma!
Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

Many thanks!

Comments for Leo 24-25 A Large Camel Crossing The Desert

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Earth - 24/25 Leo
by: Mike Zizis

The earth in a horoscope points to one's earthly mission. The earth is always directly opposite the sun.

Mine was a broken home. Violent alcoholic father, needy and silent embittered mother - my brother died of hep C acquired thru addiction. I was drafted for Vietnam {my lifeline ended at 19 yrs old}, came to Canada - My fiance followed me here against my wishes, married for two and half years.
I had to work 70 /80 hours weeks initially to keep the family going. Finally she left and took our child, with a note on the kitchen table. All this before I was 25 yrs old.

Gradually I established myself as an astrologer in Canada. Now life is luminous with discoveries. Could there be anymore remarkable echo of "a large camel crossing a vast forbidding desert"?
Thanks indeed for the opportunity to share my story, though this is a incredibly abbreviated snapshot.

Thank you Mike
by: Bek

Mike, sometimes the best way to go through our stories is a degree at a time. I can see you have a very colourful history!

A friend of mine has a different interpretation of Earth - that it is our dharma, our essential selves that we can't get away from. I was excited to read about your interpretation of Earth, as I believe we have our own interpretations of everything! It is as if YOUR Earth is a double-whammy - the large camel crossing a part of the earth, and clearly you have stores of strength and resilience to make that journey. I wonder if you are incredibly "grounded". And what else to look at for comfort in a vast and forbidding desert but the skies?

Thank you for your comment on this degree - I feel it must resonate with you strongly as it is your first choice to write about. I am humbled that you chose this site.

Many thanks Mike :)

North Node 12th house
by: Susan

I have always had to fend for myself as my mom was a evil, and let my sisters attack me, and even if she promised a day out with me, she would abandon me at a home of a friend of hers with evil kids who rubbed poison oak on my pillowcase.
When I was 16 I was an exchange student, just to get out away. I did cross the desert for 3 days alone hitchhiking because I didn't have enough money for the bus.
I used to ride my bike for hours with 50 cents and a small backpack, and then graduated to a car where I loved driving long distances at the drop of a hat.
I later moved back to South America and prepared for it by buying all the clothes, shoes, socks, pots and pans, and every essential I thought I might need at the time.
I tend to always have what I need just in case.

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