Pisces 25-26 A New Moon That Divides Its Influences

<tt>Anja Ranneberg @ freeimages.com</tt>

Anja Ranneberg @ freeimages.com

My friend Alice has Chiron on this degree. Her story is as follows:

When the Moon is new, the Luminaries -- the Sun and Moon -- are aligned in the same Zodiac sign. That makes it a charged time with concentrated energies of that sign. A New Moon is a symbolic point of attention, and a symbolic portal for new beginnings.

New Moons are a great time to set intentions for things you'd like to create, develop, cultivate, make manifest.

What matters is that you're committing yourself to your vision, and open to receiving guidance, healing, support from Spirit.

A new moon is always the beginning of a new phase in life, new seeds planted, still mostly in the dark and never sure if they will sprout to anything more than a weed.
To plant something new then something generally needs to be sacrificed, which as this is my Chiron can be quite painful to release without much emotional turmoil.
Years ago I opened a shop, in which,a large mosaic hung that I had created, the central portion of the design, had a mirrored new moon as the main feature.
I was leaving one career and going to another and so the ‘old’ service had to be released. Although, the work I was doing I was burnt out from, I had enjoyed the friendships I made during the 20 years of doing the job.

The new business did not flourish as I really had not tilled the soil, going in blind and having no education on what I was doing, so subsequently it had to be let go. This time though introduced me to a whole new world of creativity, people, ways of life and started me on a different path more in keeping with myself.
I became divided in many areas of my life, I had worked with groups of people my whole life and now I was an individual (1st house) on my own. As the business was quiet I had much time to contemplate and muse about who and what I was, separate from others.
As I had plenty of time whilst at work to read I became more interested in esoteric matters and talking to people about life 'behind the curtains'. The dividing influence was at home, I was still a mother and wife, and had responsibilities from seeds I had planted.

Eventually the business closed, I had a divorce, moved house three times, worked in various alternate shops, then, as money was tight, went back to my ‘old’ trade to pay the bills.
I’ve remained interested in esoteric matters and creativity, coupled with the everyday reality of raising children, working and a new partnership. Recently I have embarked on an adventure of mosaics which the original ‘new moon’ was the main feature.
This new moon even though has been painful and divided has also has given me my freedom and introduced me to a wide variety of activities, thoughts and people. All aspects of my own self.

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

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Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

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