Scorpio 8-9 Dental Work

<tt>Miguel Perez @</tt>

Miguel Perez @

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Comments for Scorpio 8-9 Dental Work

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Oct 01, 2020
Mercury 8'01" and Mars, Moon, and Neptune very close
by: Anonymous

I had yellow teeth as a child, but grew up and kept them clean and cared for as a teen. Ended up with 6-8 root canals- which may be responsible for some health issues. Will be looking into replacing them with implants in the future. They do look very nice.

May 10, 2023
Neptune on 09 Scorpio
by: Anonymous

My niece who is 60 years old now has braces. Seems that in the fall of 2029 she noticed a few of her teeth were growing crooked out of her line of her teeth. She has Neptune at 09:Scorpio and when she noticed this problem planet Uranus was translating at 09 Taurus. She was shocked and three years later she has to have braces.

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