Virgo 16-17 A Volcano In Eruption

<tt>cristiano galbiati @</tt>

cristiano galbiati @

I have two friends with this as their Midheaven. They have Rahu in Capricorn, First house, and Ketu in Cancer, Seventh House. To me this represents the fact that they are meant to become leaders, and assert their personalities. They are both very shy, having had lifetimes of being in the home being nurtured or nurturing family (Cancer) and supporting their partners (Seventh House). Life will push them toward their Rahu (which we are all drawn toward anyway) in leadership and responsibility (Capricorn) and luckily they will "get away with" whatever they try their hand at (First House).

Neither of these women (with approximately 20 years age difference between them!) are likely to emotionally explode like a volcano. They are in fact very caring, understanding people.

I take this symbol to mean, for them, that they are very prolific in their expression. One is a prolific self-published author and blogger, the other is involved in many community projects and also a writer. I wonder if the "explosion" refers to their ideas, and fittingly as a Midheaven they are very well known in their communities for their values and beliefs!

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Share your experiences of this Virgo karma!

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

Please note that your comment may be edited for other visitors' experience. We aim to share knowledge and experience for greater learning.

Many thanks!

Comments for Virgo 16-17 A Volcano In Eruption

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Nov 12, 2015
Pluto 16-17 Virgo
by: Pam

I too have Pluto on this degree in my 7th house cusp conjunct Uranus at 17 degrees of Virgo. At times I feel like when I have an idea I am like a volcano erupting them onto the world. I cannot rest until it is out. It is often erratic and unpredictable when the thought comes. (Uranus 17 degree Virgo)Whether or not it makes sense is irrelevant at the time. It is often triggered by other people (7th house). Feeling like lights turning on, into a picture. At times these moments plant seeds into fertile ground which grow at a later stage.

Nov 12, 2015
Thanks Pam!
by: Bek

Yes Pam! Volcanoes do create fertile ground! (I studied volcanology at uni, so your post strikes a chord :))They bring up nutrients from deep with the earth. You could grow babies in volcanic dirt :)

In Hawaii, the Big Island has two faces: the lush jungle side that is protected, and the nearly barren area that is exposed to the most wind and sun. On hot days nothing can grow in volcanic dirt that heats up easily from the sun. I like to think that all the Sabian Symbols have lots of faces and interpretations. Thanks for yours! :)

Aug 02, 2017
by: J

I strongly resonate with Pam, I also have Pluto on this degree conjunct Uranus st 17 degrees.
Mine is in my tenth house.
I was 47 and breaking down..long story.
When my volcano had subsided and I was a burnt out ' hole in the ground' out popped a Phoenix.
This was fast really..Uranus I reckon.
I also have to splurge out stuff like an unpredictable..Uranus..volcano.
I realised I was psychic
It was an astrologer told me this.
I use stones, crystals..from the ground..Pluto.
My Pluto opposes Saturn and Chiron.Saturns stones and minerals.
My healing came from the ground.
I meditate with stones and rocks..
I healed from this.
Now I work as a medium and an astrologer but also I receive information through these two planets in the midheaven about the ancestors and what they did or didn't do.
Many of their shortcomings affect me and my life, but they were all gifted healers and psychics but never knew..all dying young..usually mentally ill or in asylums..

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