Capricorn 5-6 A Dark Archway And Ten Logs At The Bottom

<tt>Roseville-Tunnel-1989 by Chuck Walsh via Wikimedia Commons</tt>

Roseville-Tunnel-1989 by Chuck Walsh via Wikimedia Commons

My painter friend has her Juno on this degree. She did indeed commit to this degree in the form of a deceiving husband, and is now in the process, now she is free of him, of realising that he was just part of a pattern of jerky men that goes all the way back to her father. Every time she gets rid of a jerk, along comes another one. Even her next door neighbour treats her jerkily! She wonders why she is manifesting this, and how she can overcome it. I wonder if, for my friend, this degree is about the mystery, but also the ten logs might symbolise each jerk/stepping log to the mystery of herself. The pattern that leads to her own dark psyche? I don't know!

Does any part of the symbol resonate with you?

Share your experiences of this Capricorn karma!

Do any of the astrological bodies (Venus, Jupiter, Chiron etc) fall on this symbol for you? What has it meant in your life?

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Comments for Capricorn 5-6 A Dark Archway And Ten Logs At The Bottom

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Mar 30, 2016
Lucifer Journey
by: Anonymous

Capricorn 5 - 6 - A Dark Archway and 10 Logs at the Bottom
This symbol came to me one night after talking about Lucifer with my friend.
I had finished watching the movie The Ninth Gate, 2 nights previously.
A story revolving around a search for a rare, ancient book containing purportedly, a magical secret for summoning the devil.
Thinking about Lucifer and which Sabian symbol would fit this degree, I decided upon that of "the darkened archway with 10 logs at the bottom"...I wasn't particularly familiar with this symbol or its meaning therefore investigations would have to wait till morning.
During the night I awoke for my routine toilet stop, on rising I glanced over to a pile of my partners clothes on the bedroom floor and turned on! was a hidden flashlight that wasn't on when I went to sleep.
As Lucifer is the light bringer,naturally I presumed lucerferic energy was present in the darkened room.
Years ago I would have been quite naturally "creeped out" by the sudden lit corner of my room. I had always been afraid of the dark as a child.
I looked at the clock and compiled a natal chart for that moment and found the ascendent was in fact on " a dark archway and 10 logs at the bottom"and the Sun 25' Pisces, my Chiron.
25' being "Purging of the Priesthood" and 26' - "A New Moon Divides its Influences" a new moon also a sliver of light under the darkened archway of the night sky.
On my lucerferic night, the torch was pointing into a closed wardrobe, suggesting as in ‘the lion the witch and the wardrobe’, this is energy is present when the unknown destination commences.
What lies within your hidden 12th house?
What treasures are you missing because of fear?

Loreena McKennit - Dante's Prayer
"When the dark wood fell before me
And all the paths were overgrown
When the priests of pride say there is no other way
I tilled the sorrows of stone

I did not believe because I could not see
Though you came to me in the night
When the dawn seemed forever lost
You showed me your love in the light of the stars

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me

Then the mountain rose before me
By the deep well of desire
From the fountain of forgiveness
Beyond the ice and fire

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me

Though we share this humble path, alone
How fragile is the heart
Oh give these clay feet wings to fly
To touch the face of the stars

Breathe life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me
Please remember me"
The lyrics of this song remind me of this symbol - when all else is gone and the dark archway appears do not be afraid of the logs which only give the illusion of an obstruction.
Keep walking and a light will appear when your intentions are pure.

Another thought on this symbol is Archways throughout the centuries have been used to symbolise the ‘sacred'. The rectangular opening with an arch above it, integrating Earth (the rectangle) and Heaven (the arch).
Could the 10 logs be sacred recorded texts?
For me I felt I was descending toward the logs but could it be after reading the logs, an archway appears. A change in perception, illuminating the truth.
There also are mysteries of rituals in which the Eleusinian initiates journeyed beyond this world and paraded ceremoniously through the narrow entrance of Plouton’s cave, down in the subterranean labyrinth. There are no written records of the substance of the mysteries.
This symbol appears to suggest a sacred quest into the unknown, deeper areas of the psyche, to bring balance, health and enlightenment.
The image evoked for me is a beginning point into intuition where each step appears when it is needed, the journey is slow and unknown (the 10 logs), requiring a leap of faith.
A moment we all come to at some point in our lives, when everything safe has been exhausted, 'the Archway' mysteriously appears presents.

Feb 16, 2017
by: Bek

Thank you for sharing your experience, you have added something new and rich to my awareness.

Jun 28, 2017
by: Ora

I just think this is a fascination with the subconscious

Jan 29, 2022
8 house Neptune
by: Gilly

This is in my solar direction chart.

My feeling is re life’s contradictions.
Archways are portals to a new beginning. I usually feel hopeful and glad to go through a portal which is inviting, light, airy.

Dark portal means something hidden will be found out. I’m afraid of hidden things.

The ten logs offer security and comfort, in case of an ordeal.

10 is completion, so ten logs means I’m at the end of whatever road is beyond the dark archway.

Logs are made by people and I feel comfort from the thoughtfulness or some good purpose, of people laying logs to ease and secure the footing for those who go through the dark portal.

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